Friday 25 June 2010

Hangeng cooperating with MJ’s dance crew; 2 billion redemption fee is a fake news

Hangeng, who decided to walk his own path, is having a good mood recently. After the announcement in Great Walls that he decided to work on his own, Hangeng was invited to be a guest in Happy Camp on 24 June. Thousands of fans gathered in the studio, as the broadcasting studio needs to raise the security level. Facing his good friends like He Jiong etc, Hangeng, who had been all gloomy and silent during the previous half year, happily mentioned that his new album which will be out this July, will feature the dancing team that MJ hired before he passed away. About the news that he needs to pay 2 billion as redemption fee, Hangeng straightly denied saying that it’s not true.

New album featuring MJ’s dancing team
Although the contract with his company hasn’t yet terminated, the announcement that Hangeng had made in the Great Wall had already shown his determination. Hangeng’s schedule for these few months is being highly concerned by people, and he will be releasing his new album this July, as well as holding his own concert. Being the guest of Happy Camp this time, Hangeng mentioned some details of him studying in US earlier before, and telling us some of the details of new album. As the first album after he left the group, Hangeng showed us two styles during the show, one is the black concept which is more fashionable, while the other is the white concept with pure style. These style obviously let people thinks about Nirvana and Rebirth.

Other than that, Hangeng said he invited the dancing crew of MJ, which is the same team that appeared in the movie This Is it after MJ’s death. According to the introduction, that crew is the leading dance team in the world, and Hangeng is the only artist other than MJ that cooperates with them, making the fans going wild and happy about it. Although the songs and the concrete message of the album is still kept confidential till now, it is said that the dance steps is choreographed by MJ’s former choreographer, as the dance includes some boxing ideas, and Hangeng only spent four hours to learn the whole dance.
In order to coordinate with the release date of Hangeng’s album, Happy Camp will be postponed to 24 June, nighttime, and by the time the show will include Hangeng’s live singing performance of the new album.

2 Billion Termination payment is purely fictional
Being a popular male artist, Hangeng will surely make girl fans scream wildly wherever he goes, nevertheless, there are lots of rumors about him. During the show, he, together with his friends He Jiong and Xie Na talks about their embarrassing and absurd cases. Hangeng responded to all the rumors that he had encountered so far, he even said the most unbelievable rumor is about a rich girl, “It is said that this girl is willing to pay whatever sum of money to take me home, I really don’t understand why such people who doesn’t even exist would suddenly appear, and of course, all of this isn’t real”

Besides, the case with his own company is still being concerned by the public, but Hangeng didn’t talk much on this topic, instead, he did talk about all kinds of news of him during the time when he is working individually. There was a news saying that Hangeng needs to pay 2 billion as termination payment, and the said person denied this news. “ There is also a saying that I’m raising payments on the activities I attend in order to pay the fees, I don’t even know where these news come from, but none of them is real.”

Credits to Sina news, dkpopnews
Shared by gengfan★
Translated by

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