Wednesday 7 July 2010

Friends and fans show support for Hangeng leaving program recording

Having announced plans to release his solo chinese album, Geng Xin later this month, Hangeng attended a recording for a program, Big Shot’s Birthday Party on the 6th.

The recording ended midway when Hangeng’s manager, Sun Le, pulled him out of the show, citing that the program was using Hangeng to boost the show’s ratings. It subsequently led to distorted truths being said by the program’s producer about Hangeng and the news got picked up by a lot of media outlets today. Although the damage has been done to Hangeng’s reputation, his manager, friends and fans are slowly beginning to understand from other avenues that Hangeng was the victim here and certainly did not deserve this treatment.

The following is the full statement released by Sun Le today,

1. Hangeng & Hangeng’s Staff members, are very thankful to Big Shot’s Birthday Party for their preparations for this episode, and all their hardwork!

2. Hangeng and Hangeng’s Staff members, are very thankful to the fans that were there for their understanding and support! We’re very sorry about this result, and are sincerely sorry to the fans!

3. Hangeng and Hangeng’s Staff members, are very thankful to the other guests that were there. With this kind of result, we’re very sorry to the guests!

4. The Manager took Geng out of recording because the Program’s details were very differently described to us before. When Hangeng’s staff members asked for the program’s details many times, the program producers still kept the program’s details a secret. This contains signs of lying, they don’t consider the guests’ feelings, and ignored both sides’ trust.

5. Producer Song Jia Yi used Hangeng’s rumors to increase the program’s effects, used him for popularity, which is very unrespectful to both artists. 10 days Before the program recording, Hangeng’s staff members were communicating with the program’s to get all the details on the program, but the Program’s staff kept holding back the details. Producer Song Jia Yi promised that they weren’t gonna use rumors, and said they were going to give Hangeng a surprise. But what we received was the Program using the artist’s rumors for Program effects, and completely ignoring the artist’s feelings. And also seriously violated the promise the program gave to Hangeng and Hangeng’s Staffs.

6. MC Huang Xiao Lei twisted the truth. Before the recording began, producer Song Jia Yi demanded Hangeng to sit in front of the computer with the Program’s Logo on it, in order to promote their Weibo. Hangeng was very cooperative. This kind of cooperation was said by MC Huang Xiao Lei to be, “keeps delaying appearance, posting weibo updates backstage”.

7. The Staff ignored Hangeng’s wishes of protecting his family members, and brought his family members to the show. Even after the recording was paused, the producer Song Jia Yi wouldn’t tell Hangeng or his Manager where Hangeng’s family members were, even after Hangeng and his Manager kept asking.

8. After the program was stopped; Producer Song Jia Yi, and MC Huang Xiao Lei posted in their personal weibos, and told the media everything; twisting the truth, and blinding judgements, using attacking languages to ruin the artist’s image, using this to increase their popularity.

Big Shot’s Birthday Party’s Program Staff Members cause great harm to Hangeng. We hope you’ll stop all ways of using him to achieve popularity, or else we’ll have to take legal actions.

- translated by geeitseunmi@geng_bao –

Source : allkpop

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