Sunday 17 October 2010

KARA’s Japan reaction to Upcoming New Album is alarming high

It’s only a month left for the album to be released but people have been taking a lot of interests in it. Jumping has been used as main theme song for FujiTV’s popular information and news Program. Moreover, Japan music program has already looked for Kara’s Jumping Jacket cover photos and showed great interests.

On 15 October, according to report from Japan’s news source, survey has been conducted for average 17-year-old female of 20,000 people, KARA was chosen as Korean #1 artist. At the same day KARA appeared on Japan’s most prestigious music program AsahiTV’s Music Station and received a lot of interests.

It is not even two months yet since debut, which can be taken as newcomer, but already went on a lot of interviews, even fans from Japan has been spreading about ‘Kara’s Special’. Music Station is a music program in Japan which usually only top stars can appear but KARA’s debut single ‘Mister’ able to appear in this program. This just demonstrates how much interests and popular KARA is in Japan.

Moreover, after broadcasted on Music Station, Mister’s mobile music chart sky-rocketed, On 16 October, Kara’s Mister re-enter Mobile music chart at #3 which was amazing. In addition, on Japan’s portal site Yahoo search volume about KARA also increased exponentially.

Music Station is such an influential program, but compared to other artists that appeared on the program, KARA is obviously taking it by storm, as local music reps explained.

An official said,”It is very unusual to receive such a hot attention from a month before album release”. “There‘s also been a lot of TV appearance requests. Kara is planning to promote ‘Jumping’ at the end of October onwards, including TV appearances and all related promotional activities.

KARA’s 100% korean language Best Album which was released end of September ranked #2 on Oricon Weekly chart which makes KARA as the best rookie artist debut. Meanwhile, Kara’s new single and album which will be released in November.

Translated by aank1
Thanks anne and KARAalmighty@twitter for article tip.
Source: Daum
Credit : dkpopnews

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